The available data from iRAP safety assessment provides extensive planning and engineering information such as road attribute records, road user risk, countermeasure proposals and economic assessments for 100-metre segment of road network. The assessments are supported by the iRAP online software which makes this information highly accessible. Each countermeasure proposed in a SRIP is backed by strong evidence that, if implemented, it will prevent deaths and serious injuries in a cost-effective way. Nevertheless, in interpreting the results of such assessment, it is important to recognise that iRAP is designed to provide a network-level assessment of risk and cost-effective countermeasures. As such, a SRIP should be considered just the first step in building a safe road. For this reason, following steps should be followed:
- local examination of safety treatments identified under SRIP
detailed analysis of traffic survey and crash data (if available)
preliminary scheme investigation studies, including site surveys and preliminary design
detailed design, star ratings of the designs, road safety audit, detailed costing and procurement, final evaluation and construction
post-construction evaluation and road safety audit, including Star Ratings for the upgraded road and analysis of crash data (if it is available).
The IndiaRAP team provides implementation support to the road authority in following manner,
Training and access to results of assessments:
The detailed results of the road assessment are stored in iRAP online software ViDA ( The road authority engineers and key stakeholders are given access to these results. The IndiaRAP team provides training including hands-on experience for accessing those results in ViDA for its further exploration and use. Detailed briefings are also provided to key funding bodies, elected members, government officials, design engineers and planners to ensure a common understanding of the investment priorities and potential to save lives and reduce serious injuries.
Support for local examination of treatments identified under SRIP:
The local examination of different treatments identified under SRIP with respect to the ground situation is very important. To help with this a Strip Plan showing identified treatments for every 100m segment in relation to the road chainages is prepared. Often with this Strip Plan a .kml file showing the 100m points on map is prepared which can be imported in Google Maps in a handheld device or mobile phone. This helps to identify the road chainages during site visit. These can be prepared by downloading the ‘countermeasures’ file from ‘Downloads’ section under ‘Results’ within ViDA. The IndiaRAP team helps implementing road authority with preparation of the Strip Plan and Google Map and the team can also accompany the road engineers on such site visit.
Star Rating of Road Designs:
A number of states within India are now using Star Ratings during the road design process to help ensure that safety of designs is optimized. Star Ratings can objectively quantify the level of risk associated with new road designs and provide a platform to make evidence-based improvements. They have been used by the project implementation unit at the Karnataka State Highway Improvement Project (KSHIP), the Roads & Buildings Department in Gujarat, the Kerala State Transport Project, and Public Works Department of Uttar Pradesh to help shape the design of almost 2,000km of roads.
Star Rating the proposed designs enables the implementing agency to
assess the potential risk to road users prior to construction and amend
the designs to include recommended treatments that are proven to reduce
the likelihood and severity of road crashes. This process also helps the
agency to implement road designs which are able to achieve the policy
target of 3-star or better roads for all users.