AITD-IndiaRAP is helping to create child-friendly streets and improve non-motorised transport infrastructure in Coimbatore City, Tamil Nadu.
Twenty-nine pedestrian hotspots and 295km of cycling routes across Coimbatore are being targeted for safe access to walking and cycling as part of the Deutsche Gesellschaft fuer Internationale Zusammenarbeit (GIZ) GmbH project, in cooperation with the Coimbatore City Municipal Corporation (CCMC) and the GFA-WRI India-Wuppertal Institute consortium.
IndiaRAP supports the project:
- using Star Rating for Schools (SR4S) to measure the risk children are exposed to on their journey to school;
- Star Rate an existing urban street and improved design prepared under the project; and
- conduct training and capacity building for stakeholders.

Coimbatore City is one of 3 Indian cities the “Integrated Sustainable Urban Transport Systems for Smart Cities Technical (SMART-SUT)” Project is targeting to address the safety and micro level accessibility issues faced by vulnerable users.
The project, due for completion in June 2021, aims to:
- create key processes of identifying and addressing accessibility issues around schools through a complete streets approach;
- enable CCMC processes to conduct SR4S school zone safety audits; and
- enhance decision making to improve school zone safety in the city.
Project findings will support the City NMT network plan being prepared by the GFA-WRI India-Wuppertal Institute consortium with the support of national and international experts.
The project is part of the Government of India and Germany joint technical cooperation fostering a sustainable urban transport system. GIZ is implementing the project with the Ministry of Housing and Urban Affairs as a political partner. For more information about this project visit