Dr Subhamay Gangopadhyay, Program Manager of IndiaRAP spoke to students and faculties as Guest of Honour in the opening ceremony of National Road Safety Month 2022 being celebrated by NSS IIT Roorkee. He shared dais with IIT Roorkee Director Prof. Ajit Kumar Chaturvedi and Prof. M. Parida.
Dr. Gangopadhyay talked about IndiaRAP activities and mentioned how safe are the roads assessed in India in terms of Star Ratings and the safety treatments to improve safety and save lives. He mentioned the lack of good crash data in India and how the Star Rating, being a tool for proactive safety assessment, can work with very limited crash data. He also mentioned the role of road design engineers and planners for planning and designing forgiving roads.
He encouraged students to take benefit of various online training modules available on iRAP website and the new Learning Centre on IndiaRAP website.
Mr. Ujjval Kumar, General Secretary NSS IIT Roorkee, said Dr. Gangopadhyay highlighted the seriousness of road safety issue with examples that have created a massive impact on the students. He gave us the hope and confidence that Road Safety can be eradicated, just like polio. As aspiring engineers and technicians, Dr. Gangopadhyay have truly motivated us to work towards the cause of Road Safety by working on the design of safer roads for the benefit and safety of pedestrians and vulnerable road users.